Dragonfly Admin Site

Key Features:

  • Data Integration: Seamlessly gather and integrate data from global sources.
  • Data Types Management: Organize and manage various data types to enhance analysis.
  • User and Client Administration: Effortlessly manage user accounts and client subscriptions.
  • Granular Permissions: Control access to products, data, and features based on user roles.
  • Data Security: Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information.
  • Web App Integration: Streamline the flow of data from admin site to web application.
The Dragonfly Admin Site stands as a critical component in Dragonfly Intelligence’s mission to provide actionable intelligence and insights to its users. It is a testament to Dragonfly’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions for analysts and clients in a dynamic and evolving world.

The Dragonfly Admin Site serves as the central control hub for Dragonfly Intelligence, an advanced platform that empowers analysts and clients with vital information from around the world. This portfolio description provides an insight into the purpose and functionalities of the Dragonfly Admin Site.

  • Design

    Python, Flask, React

  • Client
